In Destinations, North America, United States on
January 22, 2020

Black Ski Week in Breckenridge, Colorado

Friends gather by the Breckinridge town sign

First Trip of 2020: Black Ski Week in Breckenridge, Colorado

I just got back home from a glorious, long weekend in Colorado. The Annual Black Ski Week takes place at various slopes across the US and abroad. This year, we hosted our own mini Black Ski Week, separate from the official events. Last summer, a group of single, Army officers planned a weekend ski trip. That small group continued to grow.  I’ll get to writing the travel essay ASAP but for those planning future trips to Breckenridge soon, here’s the logistical breakdown to help you plan a group trip of your own.


First things first, that high altitude is no joke. You may think you’re all tough and in shape, but the lack of oxygen in Breckinridge, Colorado will get you. Be sure to prepare for high altitude like a pro.

Human bodies start to react differently to the changes in oxygen levels at altitudes around 4,921 ft.  The base of Breckenridge, Colorado, is 9,600 feet. The summit of some ski resorts is upwards of 13,000 feet above sea level. To put it in perspective, the Altitude of Cusco, Peru is 11,200 feet.  The altitude of Colorado Springs is 6,035 feet above sea level and Denver’s Altitude is 5,130 ft above sea level.

And just for kicks, the altitude of Boston, where I’ve resided for the past three years, is 141 feet above sea level. The elevation of my hometown in Owensboro, Kentucky, is 394 feet above sea level. For whatever strand of reasoning I applied, I was under the impression that since I adapted to Cusco’s altitude (three years ago) and since Denver and Colorado Springs didn’t bother me, I’d be unphased by a couple thousand more feet. That was a terrible assumption.

Carrying my luggage up the steps had me wheezing like I just sprinted a 100-meter dash.  I avoided unnecessary trips to the next floor because it was a workout. If I left my phone charger upstairs, that’s just where it was going to have to stay, and my battery was going to have to die because my lungs were put to the test. Walking a flat surface wasn’t much better. We rented another cabin four houses down. However, walking my normal pace of 140 steps a minute might as well have been a performance mile run. I was always out of breath by the time I got to the next house about 300 feet away.  

High elevations cause nausea, vomiting, dizziness, bloody noses, headache, fatigue, and just overall unwellness. The symptoms should be over within three days. Overall, your body will adapt and you can just deal with the discomfort and do nothing. But if you’re short on time and need to press through the symptoms quickly, here are a few tips:

  1. I’d suggest taking it easy on the physical activities before then so you have time to adjust.  I slept a whole day, waking up only to eat. Rest is a good thing.
  2. If you smoke or have cardiac problems, check with a doc before you travel.  
  3. Alcohol doesn’t help anything. Now, I’m not going to tell you to avoid turning up, but just know, high altitude already feels like a hangover when you’re sober. High Altitude hangovers are on another level of discomfort.
  4. They say drinking water helps. I drank hella gallons and was still sick for three days. 
  5. In Cusco, the indigenous people used coca plants to fight altitude sickness. Not sure how legal that is in the US, if you can get it in the US, or if it’ll show in urine tests. Sorojchi pills were recommended in Cusco. Goody’s powder and standard pain relief is good to have on hand to deal with the headaches.
  6. Oxishot! All the sporting stores in Breckinridge sell Oxishots. It’s a can with 8 liters of oxygen. It costs about $16. It’s fast acting and pretty awesome.  

*** I have never had a bloody nose ever in life, and I didn’t have one here. But apparently, dang near everyone else did. So, if you’re a nose bleeder, expect it. ****

Black Ski Week Meals

City Market (at 400 North Parkway) is actually a Kroger with an alpine facade. They deliver, so plan your menus and pre-order your ingredients on-line. If feeding a crowd and you have some chefs (southerners) in your group, this is your best bet. The town square does have plenty of satisfactory restaurants (albeit a challenging parking situation).

We were fortunate enough to arrive with a van of phenomenal home chefs. Here’s some of the menus we ate:  

One of many trips to Kroger.

Breakfast: Omelets & scrambled eggs (our house of 14 ran through 18 eggs in one morning), bacon (two pounds a day), sausage, muffins, french toast, grits, & coffee

Lunch: sandwiches, pizza (3 per day)

Dinner: Gumbo, BBQ lamb, smoked sausages, ribs, southern mac & cheese, hot chocolate, tacos, grilled corn on the cob

Late night: Baked ham & cheese sliders, whipped cream

All-day snacks: chips & dip, olives, cookies, drinks

Oh, and remember that high-altitude air pressure not only affects humans but also affects baking.  You’re going to need to adjust the temperature, time, and ingredients for any baking you’re going to do. Check out King Author Flour for cooking guides. You’re going to need cases and cases of water. Bring plenty of Sharpies so people don’t take a sip and forget which bottle is theirs. Colorful ponytail holders around the bottle work in identifying the bottle as well.  


Our group of 35 chose Paragon Lodging, a luxury vacation rental agency, to house our group for the long weekend. Chelsea House and Claire’s Cabin were gorgeous homes outfitted for entertaining. Chelsea (where I slept) had 6000+ square, 6 bedrooms, and 4.5 baths feet giving all 14 of us elbow room and quiet spaces for us introverts to recharge from time to time. It was tucked away with a driveway set from the main road with gorgeous woodland mountain views.  The kitchen (although illogically organized) was a foodie’s dream, and the collection of books located around the home was also impressive. The house also has maintenance workers come shovel snow from the drive and deck (around the hot tub). There’s no lifting a finger.

The rental company gives you a starter supply of toiletries but you will need to put toilet paper on your shopping list. Factoring in the amount of water hydration everyone will need to acclimate to the altitude, bloody noses, and alcohol consumption, I’d suggest no less than two rolls per person per day (Start off with two 24-roll packs).  You’ll likely also need dish detergent, trash bags, and laundry detergent.

Both met my bougie expectations. The homes did not exceed my expectations only because none of the exterior doors were locked. That’s kind of a security concern…hopefully, the company gets that maintenance issue taken care of. But I’d definitely recommend it. It was a perfect choice for the weekend.

I can’t personally vouch for these. However, other luxury properties that appear to be similar in styling in the area include River Ridge Rentals, Majestic Breckinridge Lodging, and Pinnacle Lodging.


Of course, we overpacked.  Just about everyone prepared for the arctic apocalypse. Just remember, everything that everyone packs will need to fit in the trunk of a car. Even with bulky snow gear, I am confident everything you need for a four-day weekend ski trip can fit in two carry-ons.

Fitting all our luggage & all the people in cars was a logistical feat.

Here’s what you need:

  1. Socks, gloves, hat & Undies – self-explanatory. Go for a couple of pairs of wool socks if you can because once cotton socks get wet, it’s over for you.
  2. Thermals/waffles/under armor— Just a dry-wick base layer to keep you warm
  3. Sweater/Sweatshirt to wear over your base layer.
  4. Ski Jacket & Ski pants (1 each). If you’re military and don’t have snow gear or don’t want to deal with checking it oversized luggage, check out the MWR or Outdoor rec to rent it. I never considered renting because I just thought it would be crappy gear. It’s not! For $5 per day, you get well-maintained and fashionable ski pants and ski jacket. Don’t worry about packing it either, Ft Carson and Peterson, AFB are located near the closest Airports to Breck. Check out
  5. Snow boots. Sorels are my favorite but since I’ve yet to have my boots returned from my trip to Germany this time last year, there are some other more affordable options.
  6. Comfy clothes – for loafing around the cabin. Pants/leggings, shorts, onsie, tees, tanks, jammies. Don’t go overboard here.
  7. Shower shoes/flops for the walk from the deck door to the hot tub. I mean, I did it barefoot and it didn’t bother me but, flip flops would have been nice.
  8. Something to look cute at the bar if you choose to go. Do not bring stilettos to a snowy mountain. Life will not go well for you.
  9. Toiletries – You’re going to be ashy. Your lips are going to be chapped. Your nose is going to be dry and maybe bleed. Be prepared.
  10. Hot Tub Attire
  11. Games. No Black Ski Week Apres Ski is complete without Uno. Spades. Taboo. Black Card Revoked. Bring on the Games!
This is the type of winter weather gear the 21st Force Support Squadron MWR rents to service members. Photo by @thefinalkutphotography


You have a couple of options for transportation. Breckinridge is about two hours from the Denver Airport (which is on the far side of Denver from Breckinridge).

A couple of shuttle companies charge $40 per passenger for a one-way pick up from the airport to the cabin. Summit Express (855.686.8267) and Peak 1 (970. 724.7241) are both shared shuttles that provide this service.

Black Mountain Limo is a luxury private service that charges $400 per trip.

If your flight lands at a time that allows, you can take the A-train to Union Station, switch to the Bustang, and then to the Summit Stage, which will take you from the Denver airport to downtown Breckenridge for less than $20 per person.

An Uber or Lyft typically costs $150 per person one way if you want to consider that.

Depending on the size of your group and flight schedule, it might be more economical to rent a tricked-out soccer mom van for the duration of the time on the mountain. tends to have phenomenal deals.  


Even though it’s Black Ski Week, it doesn’t mean all your time has to be spent on downhill adventures. Breckenridge offers so many other winter activities to experience! We had a blast using Good Time Adventures as our one-stop shop for snowmobiling, tubing, and dog sledding through the Alpine trails. They also offer horse sleigh rides. 

Y’all, I cannot stress enough, that those little, cute huskies run as fast as the mountain wind does blow. Those six little dogs run 30 miles per hour. Utilize the break on the sled. If you fly off the sled, they will keep running and your partner is going to be sitting there enjoying the view, not even realizing you’re no longer driving the sled. Use. The. Break.

Breckinridge, of course, is the local ski resort, super close to the cabins.  Their lift passes work at Keystone (about 40 minutes away). So you can ski Breck during the day, take a break, then do night skiing at Keystone all on the same lift pass.

Horseback riding- I didn’t even try to go riding because it was cold AF. But Breckinridge does offer several stables in operation during the cold months. Keystone’s ski resort also has stables.

Just remember, all physical activities are harder to do at high altitudes. Regardless if it’s dancing, skiing, dog sledding, or any other physical activity (raised eyebrow, to hint at a euphemism) — ALL physical activities are harder in high altitude.

Lastly, the best time you’ll have is the time you spend in the company of good friends. Keep the conversations flowing, the music bumping, and the vibes high. Just enjoy being young, wild, and free.  

Two love birds met on an annual trip a few years ago and still traveling together today.

Black Ski Week is a time for camaraderie and enjoying winter sports in a culturally nurturing way. There’s not one way to have an epic Black Ski Week. I think that covers everything you need to host your own Black Ski Week in Breckenridge, Colorado. Let me know if I didn’t cover something.

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