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In Destinations, Ecuador, Peru, South America on
September 15, 2023

Prepare For High-Altitude Destinations Like A Pro

The title "Prepare Like A Pro for High-Altitude Destinations overlaid over a brown, mountainous Salta, Argentiana landscape

If you’ve never traveled to high-altitude destinations before– let me tell you, it has a way of humbling you. We’re talking about the kind of attitude that body slams you on arrival.  We’re talking about 6561 ft / 2000 meters above sea level. I’ve had my share of high altitudes. I have Breckenridge, Colorado (2926 meters/9599.73 feet), Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia, (an elevation of 3,656 m/ 1,995 ft above sea level) and In Cusco, Peru (3399 meters/11,152 ft), under my belt. Here’s what I’ve learned: Genetics will be the main determiner of how well people adapt to high-altitude locations. However, let me show you how to reduce the impacts. Here are a few tips to help you prepare for high-altitude destinations like a pro:

  1. Be in good cardiovascular shape. In Uyuni, Bolivia, carrying my slightly heavy backpack from the car to my room on the same flower— a usually small task — had my heart beating like I ran a 4:30 minute mile.  My standard, casual stroll required breaks and time-outs because my heart beat fast.  When there is less oxygen, performing the simplest tasks will cause your heart to work overtime. Build your cardiovascular stamina by running (or swimming or HIT workouts) daily. Being able to run a 5K in 25 minutes or less will help.
  2. Ascend into higher altitudes gradually. Flying into a place like La Paz from the beach is going to mollywop you.  Instead, opt for a staged climb by ascending 1000 Feet (300 meters) per day. I did this when traveling from Salta, Argentina to Uyuni, Bolivia. I could tell the difference between the slow ascent to Bolivia and the abrupt ascent to Cusco from the Galapagos.
  3. Stay hydrated. Keep your body fueled. Remember, the O in H2O stands for Oxygen, which you need to get into your body in any form while in high in the sky.  
  4. Avoid caffeine and alcohol as these dehydrate. The effects of alcohol intensify in higher altitudes.
  5. Rest. Let me tell you if ever there was a time to take it easy, high-altitude destinations are the place. Be a lady of leisure (or restful renegade) for at least three days before planning physical activities. Your body is going to be working overtime internally. Give it rest.
High-Altitude Destinations
Images from my most recent trip to the Andes in Chile and Bolivia the past May!

6. Use sunscreen. Even in the cold. Even if you are melanin-rich. In high altitude, you will be getting direct exposure to the sun. Protect yourself. 

7. Ditto for Sunglasses. For the same reason.

8. Plan your high-altitude travel strategically. If you can, just stay in the high-altitude areas for the duration of your trip. For instance, plan your trip to Northern Chile, Peru, and Bolivia together rather than leave high-altitude and then return to a different high-altitude spot.

9. Ginkgo biloba or coca leaves can help you feel better when altitude inevitably kicks your butt.  Chew on them or use them as tea.  Be careful, coca leaves can cause a false positive for cocaine in drug tests.

10. Lotions, butters, & oils – Your skin will be dry. Your lips will be chapped. Nix the ash and stay moisturized.

There you have it! Follow these guidelines and your next trip to the Andes, Rockies, Himalayas or Alps will be as easy-peasy and you’ll be able to enjoy the entirety of your trip.

In Destinations, Peru, South America on
July 10, 2017

10 Lessons From The Mountaintop

Lessons from the mountaintop_Machu_pichu_Globelleaffairs_ Four friends pose on top of the famed andes mountains

What I Learned While Climbing Machu Pichu

Climbing Mount Machu Pichu was a transformative experience. I did not expect to gain such a new perspective from this half-day excursion. Here are the lessons from the mountaintop a gained from this experience.

Mental Preparation

The beauty of the mountain is hidden for all those who try to discover it from the top, supposing that, one way or an other, one can reach this place directly. The Beauty of the Mountain reveals only to those who climbed it…” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery
The climb is limited to 400 people per day, staggered in two groups. The first group starts at 0700 and the next at 1000. The peak closes at noon for ceremonial reasons. My group’s ascent started just after 0700. We registered our names in a book just in case search and rescue were needed if we didn’t return. I’m glad we started early. We didn’t have to yield to anyone coming down the mountain and didn’t have to rush to the peak before it closed.
I was not mentally prepared for how strenuous this climb would be. First of all, folks kept calling it a hike. Let us be clear. This is not a hike. A hike is when you walk through a nice path in nature with gradual ups and downs across the terrain. The trails at Yellow Creek Park in my hometown are hikes. This was a climb. This was mountaineering. This was alpinism. There were no gradual slopes, this was straight up to the top of the Andes Mountain range. I underestimated this challenge.  Had I not been told to bring plenty of water, I would have brought 20 oz. instead of a liter and 20 ounces. I only had one Kind Bar. I should have packed a few. And a sandwich to eat at the top if I’m being completely honest. I could have packed one of those lemonade mixers to add electrolytes in my water.   Your body needs to be properly fueled for this hike and I barely covered my bases.
Luckily, other folks on the trail were prepared. One guy had a whole banana bunch that he shared. Others passed along granola. Next time I do a hike like this, I want to be one of those people who have plenty to share. I didn’t bring a ponytail holder. I packed a jacket that I quickly didn’t need, My DSLR Camera, and my iPhone.
Physical Preparation
It took me about 90 minutes to climb 650 meters (2,139 feet) above the Machu Pichu ruins and 3080 meters (10,017 feet) above sea level.  I struggled with the altitude. I haven’t had a consistent fitness regimen in about a year. I was irritated with myself that I couldn’t keep up with this Swedish guy and New Zealand girl who were studying abroad at UC Irvine. I never considered that others were conquering their fear of heights or experiencing anxiety attacks at the sight of the narrow paths with steep drop-offs.
My father considered a walk among the mountains as the equivalent of churchgoing. – Aldous Huxley
Spiritual and Emotional Preparation
Being an introvert, I like time to reflect during the hours spent alone on the mountain. Mountains are great for that sort of thing. I love the stillness of empty mountain trails. The Incas were all about being connected to Earth. I think mountains offer a closer connection to God. Moses encountered God on Mount Sinai, the Prophet Elijah encountered God on Mount Carmel, Jesus was tempted on a mountain, appointed his Twelve on a mountain, delivered his most grand sermon, and underwent transfiguration all on mountains. High places, across many faiths, are always sacred. Certainly, when climbing mountains you undergo a mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual change. You are not the same person you were before you started your climb.
Walk Carefully/ Narrow Path sign at Machu Pichu
Pumped up on Outdoorphins, my friend, E, chattered on and on about this great feat. From the summit back down to the base he raved about this antagonizing accomplishment. He talked about how he couldn’t believe that he just climbed a mountain. Even with his fear of heights, he did it! He’d pushed passed his limitations and surprised himself with his abilities.

“Climbing is analogs to life!” He exclaimed, still on an outdoorphin rush!

“Climbing mountains is analogous to life!”

I chuckled to myself because I had the same revelation coming down from Camelback Mountain in Scottsdale, AZ.   Many a revelation are had on the side of a mountain.

“I just assumed we didn’t climb mountains,” a friend said.
We, meaning black people. Which I found funny because he breaks racial stereotypes all the time by being an avid swimmer. We being the only black Americans and dang near the only black people we’d seen in Peru all week broke the stereotype that we don’t travel. I mean, the whole group is a life-living, stereotype-breaking, adventurous group. What’s a mountain to this band of skiers, skydivers, ocean divers, gallery hoppers, campers, and international travelers? Besides, we only make up 13 percent of America’s population. That includes the elderly and children. Those of us who can climb, can’t do everything at once. There’s just not going to be significant representation in everything we do.
“Aren’t you proud of yourself?!” he finally asked after I was silent the whole way down. He was fun to watch all motivated and inspired. It’s fun to see people break through their limitations and do the things they didn’t know they could do.
I certainly was but this is not my first mountain. So perhaps the emotions were a bit different.
My love affair with mountains started the first time I visited Kehlsteinhaus (Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest) in Austria (elevation: 1,834 m/ 6,017 ft).  I rode a bus up that one.  I’ve climbed down the Grand Canyon and up again (7,000 ft).  That was rough and exhausting and I have no desire to ever do it again.  I canyoneered Zion Canyon (3,000 ft) and climbed parts of Mount Whitney (14,505 feet). Heck, the hike to the Hollywood sign from the Bat Caves was a struggle (1,708 feet).  Although Machu Picchu Mountain was certainly my tallest peak to climb, we only hiked 2,139 feet of it.  For reference, Camelback Mountain is 2,706 feet. I climbed all of that. With each hike, I had the same feelings of euphoria Eric was experiencing now. While the climb was challenging and the view at the top amazing, his ecstasy and sense of accomplishment was my favorite sight to see.
In the spirit of Eric’s revelation that mountain climbing is analogous to life, here are my top 10 lessons from the Mountaintop you will likely learn on the mountain that also apply to life.
Top 10 Lessons from the Mountaintop That Apply to Life

10. Perseverance is developed by persevering.
Each one of us had different times that we asked ourselves, “Why am I doing this?” Each one of us had a moment we considered turning back. No one would even blame us for turning back. But if we did, we’d miss the triumph of reaching the top.  There was nothing fun about climbing that mountain. It was dangerous. I suffered from high altitude and low oxygen. We were exhausted. But with each curve of the mountain, conquering each drop up and each cliff, we challenged our resolve. Our stamina grew. What used to be a limitation—like narrow paths on steep cliffs — was now something we’ve already conquered multiple times. The longer we journeyed up the mountain the greater our determination to master the peak grew.  Giving up develops nothing.
“I’ve learned that everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all
the happiness and growth occurs while you’re climbing it.”
9. Don’t compare your journey.

We all have different abilities and struggles. I was disappointed that I couldn’t keep up with the Swedish and New Zeeland duo. But what did it matter? We all rallied at the top of the mountain. There was no special prize for being able to keep up. It didn’t matter when I got there, so long as I got up there safely. So go at your own pace. Be patient with yourself and take your time. Be patient with others as well.

“Ain’t about how fast I get there, ain’t
about what’s waiting on the other side, it’s the climb
. –Miley Cyrus

8. Camaraderie is forged in peril.

You will meet some of the best people while on a climb. Literally, everyone was so nice and encouraging up the mountain. We were chatting, getting to know each other. Folks sharing their food supply and passing along advice and care. A young Puerto Rican girl was doing a solo tour across South America but still regarded Puerto Rico as the most beautiful place she’d ever been (she’d never been to Kentucky). I met a young guy from Indianapolis who sandwiched the trip in between two business trips in Argentina.  I met a whole athletic German family whose mother didn’t hold back any feelings she had about American politics. Another man was a classmate at U Penn with the current star of American politics. I met two students, one from Sweden, the other from Australia, both studying abroad at a UC in SoCal, and were spending their summer break exploring the hemisphere. You’ll develop friendships and partnerships along the way with people going where you are going. No matter what your fitness level, you’re stronger together. You’re stronger when you have someone checking up on you, passing a banana or granola, and telling you you’re almost there.

Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wildness is a necessity”   —John Muir, Our National Parks
7. No one can do it for you.
While you may have cheerleaders and coaches along the way, no one can climb the mountain for you. Mountain climbing isn’t something that can be outsourced like lawn mowing, dog walking, house cleaning, or even novel writing. If you want the view, the glory, the triumph, the growth you’re going to have to work for it.  There’s only so much friends can do for you on a mountain. Perhaps others are good for companionship, encouragement, to share with you.  All the rest is up to you. I was motivated by Langston Hughes’ Mother to Son while I climbed.


“The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.” — Oprah


6. You’ll lose some along the way.
You might not all get to the mountain top at the same time. Some may turn around. When I climbed Camelback Mountain, I met this amazing woman who was a breast cancer survivor. She talked about how she and her daughter had conquered the mountain together before her diagnosis and this was her first time back. It was one of her favorite memories with her adult child. She said she took a picture of her flexing her muscles at the top because she became her own hero. She told me of things to look out for and how I’d know I was almost at the top, but she had to turn around. She had gone as far as she could this go around. I loved talking with her.  I traveled alone for a bit before there was someone else to pick up where she left off. Hopefully, you’ll meet at the top, or coming back down, or waiting for you to return back at the base, but not everyone stays with you the whole way.


“It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.” —Edmund Hillary


5. Share the knowledge to those coming after you.
Just like the Cancer Surviving mom helped me, my friends and I were able to help and encourage those still ascending while we were coming down from the peak. One friend in our group hikes the tallest peak of every state she visits. She had plenty of experience and wisdom to share on safety and best practices coming down the mountain.
You cannot stay on the summit forever; you have to come down again… What is above knows what is below, but what is below does not know what is above. One climbs, one sees. One descends, one sees no longer, but one has seen. There is an art of conducting oneself in the lower regions by the memory of what one saw higher up. When one can no longer see, one can at least still know.” – Rene Daumal
4. Focus on the next steps in front of you—especially coming down.
 Don’t get distracted by how steep the side of the mountain is. Don’t be so busy looking at the top and how far you have left to go. Just focus on putting one foot in front of the other and keep going. Look at where you are planting your feet.  Even calculate the next few steps without getting too far ahead of yourself.  Once you are at the lower end of the mountain, people think it’s the easy part. That’s when people start moving faster and getting careless. That’s where injuries occur because you end up moving more swiftly and falling, twisting an ankle or otherwise getting hurt. Even when you miscalculate your steps, learn from it. Slow down. Brush yourself off. Hold on. And keep moving.
So, boy, don’t you turn back. Don’t you set down on the steps. ‘Cause you finds it’s kinder hard.
Don’t you fall now— For I’se still goin’, honey, I’se still climbin’, And life for me ain’t been no crystal stair
.” — Langston Hughes
3. Take care of your body.
Age is a quantifiable measurement of how long you have been alive, not an indicator of your abilities or limitations.  I almost discounted my parents as too old to do the climb until I met a 70-year-old couple celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary at the top. A guide told us the youngest person he had on the entire Inca Trail was a fearless 7-year-old girl and the oldest was 83 (also a woman). You want to be able to use your body for as long as you can, so keep it in its best working order.


What are men to rocks and mountains?”  ― Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice


2. Be prepared!
I often over-estimate my athletic abilities and underestimate the amount of water I’ll need. I did no research before attempting this climb. The lack of research might have been to my benefit since there are YouTube videos about people falling to their death on the mountain. However, knowing that this was a 90-minute vertical climb instead of a leisurely, winding curved hike probably would have been helpful. Thank goodness this southern girl could “depend on the kindness of strangers” one of which was carrying a giant bunch of bananas and wanted to get rid of the weight, and another girl had granola to spare.


“Mountains have a way of dealing with overconfidence.”Nemann Buhl


1. It’s so worth it!
After you’ve climbed your mountain, you’ve entered a highly exclusive community of other adventurers that understand the physical, mental, emotional, and motivating accomplishment of climbing a mountain.  I can only describe it as similar to the feeling you get when they put you on the bus after your field/basic training and all the officers salute you goodbye. Or graduating with honors and offers. Or finishing your first marathon. Or a physique competition. Or having both feet back on the ground after sky diving. That’s what it’s like.  You’ll have a renewed understanding of Miley Cyrus’ It’s the Climb.
You never climb the same mountain twice, not even in memory. Memory rebuilds the mountain, changes the weather, retells the jokes, remakes all the moves.” —Lito Tejada-Flores