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15-minute workout

In Fitness on
April 19, 2022

Six Benefits of the 15-minute Workout

Benefits of the 15 minute workout

A work friend encouraged me to try 15-minute home workouts when the Covid quarantine first started. I was sulking on social media about my fitness slump and he suggested to just try committing to a 15-minute, at-home body-weight workout. I’m a prolonged off-season armature bodybuilder. So, my initial reaction was a scoff. Fifteen minutes? What’s the benefit of the 15-minute workout? What is a short workout without weights going to do for me, I thought.  

But I tried it and learned that it does EVERYTHING for me. It made all the difference. I can’t sing the praises of the benefits of the 15-minute workout enough. There’s so many mini-workouts to try avalible on-line. Now, anytime I get into a fitness slump, I always fall back on the 15-minute workout. Here’s why:

1. The 15-minute workout that you do is better than the hour workout that you don’t do.

Ordinarily, if I don’t have the time or enough energy to carve out at least 90 minutes to commute, dress, and complete a workout, I just won’t do anything at all. And that can happen all week. And then the week can turn into two weeks!

2. You have 360 opportunities a day to get started.

The great thing about the 15-minute workout is that you have 360 opportunities to do it. So, sure 15-minutes a day is great. But perhaps I can slip in 15 minutes in the morning and another 15 minutes at lunch and another when I get home. There’s my typical 45-minute workout broken up throughout the day. It’s a shorter workout so you have the opportunity to do it multiple times a day.

3. The small sessions add up.

One of the benefits of the 15-minute workout is that the small sessions add up. If you can commit 15 minutes a day, 5 days a week, you’ll end up putting in 1 hour and 15 minutes. That’s an hour and 15 minutes more than going the whole week without doing anything.

4. Fifteen minutes is the start.

Just like when it comes to writing or doing academic work, the hardest part is getting started. I know if I can commit to just 15 minutes of any activity (whether it be studying a language, writing, or studying), I’ll likely end up doing more. BTW, read here about how I applied this same method to learning another language.

5. Science Supports the Effectiveness of the 15-minute workout

The science supports the benefits of a 15-minute, High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workout is just as effective as lower intensity, sustained workout.  Check out this peer-reviewed research that found that twelve weeks of shorter sprint interval training improves cardio-metabolic health similar to traditional endurance training despite a five-fold lower exercise volume and time commitment.  This article by the British Journal of Sports Medicine also concluded that you lose nothing by engaging in short, high-impact workouts.

6. You can always fit one in

No matter how busy I am, I can always find 15 minutes. Whether it’s at my desk in the office or first thing when I wake up, I will always have 15 minutes at some point in the day to spare. If I find myself mindlessly scrolling the gram for 15 minutes, I remind myself I can put that time into a workout. Even on long road trips when I usually just accept that there isn’t time to work out, I can still put in 15 minutes at a gas station or restaurant to break up the drive.    

I am such a believer in the benegits of the 15-minute workout. It got me out of a fitness rut and helped me maintain my overall conditioning when I was lacking motivation. I am confident it will do the same for you. Since you don’t want to spend half your time deciding what to do during your workout, be sure to check out some of these pre-planned 15-minute Workout Plans to help get you started.

In Fitness, Globelle Home on
April 15, 2022

Thirteen 15-minute At-Home Workout Plans

fit woman in teal yoga pants performs a crunch in front of a laptop.. Part of the 15-minute home workout plan.

These 15-minute, high-intensity, at-home workout plans are a game-changer for belles on the go! The 15-minute at-home workout plan is your fitness life-raft in a crunch. They don’t require any equipment, just dedication! You can sneak them in during downtime at work or first thing in the morning. I can rattle at least a half dozen reasons why the 15-minute home workout plan packs an effective punch. Since workouts are most efficient when pre-planned, I’ve done the planning for you. You don’t want to double your workout time in the planning phase. You can choose any of these 15-minute, at-home workout plans to get started. They’re great to fit in especially when you’re on the go. 

Here, you have options.

Option 1: Select a 15-minute at-home workout plan. For the 5-exercise workout. Perform each exercise for 50 seconds with a 10-second rest while transitioning between exercises. Repeat the set 3 times with a 30-second water break between sets.

Option 2:  Select 3, 15-minute at-home workout plans. Complete each workout (a total of 15) once with 30-sec breaks as you transition to the next set.  

Option 3: If you want to add more strength training, add weights to lunges, squats, jumping jacks, and crunches.

Option 4: Set the timer for 15 minutes and go through the repetition-based circuit workouts. If you still have more time left over, repeat the circuit.

1. 15-minute Full Body Workout

  1. Burpees
  2. Crunches with legs extended up in the air
  3. Mountain climbers
  4. Jump Squats
  5. Push-ups

2. 15-minute Legs and Tush Workout

  1. Sumo Squats with pulse
  2. Donkey kick with squats, alternating legs
  3. Calf raises (first round rapid, second round slow, third round with 10-second hold)
  4. Lunges, (Increased intensity: Elevated Lunges)
  5. 10-sec hold Bridges

3. 15-minute Cardio

  1. Squat jumps
  2. High knees
  3. Mountain climbers
  4. Jumping jacks
  5. Cross-body punch squats

15-minute Standing, Low Impact, High-Intensity Workout

15-minute home workout plan

The following workouts don’t require jumping or getting on the ground. These workouts are ideal for those with injuries preventing jumping or airport workouts where you don’t want to encounter floor germs.

4. 15-minute Lower Body Workout

  1. Sumo squat with pulse
  2. Oblique twist with knee raise
  3. Curtsy lunge with squat in-between each lunge
  4. Donkey Kicks
  5. Side lunge with side leg lift

5. 15-minute Compound Full-body Workout

  1. Side-step booty kickers
  2. Side-step, front kick toe touch
  3. Sumo squat with touch ground, calf raise sky reach
  4. Crossbody, oblique knee to elbow
  5. Side knee to elbow

6. 15-minute upper body

  1. Overhead arm clappers
  2. Crossbody punches (double punch second time around)
  3. Arm circles 20 seconds in each direction (Larger circles second time around)
  4. Front arm clappers
  5. Standing crossbody toe touch

7. 15-minute Abs

  1. Cross Body knee to elbow
  2. High knees
  3. Oblique twist with knee raise
  4. Woodchoppers
  5. Windmills (side ankle touches)

15-minute At-home Workout Plan with Park Benches

The next three 15-minute home workouts plans are ideal to perform in the fresh air at a park. Any sturdy bench or platform will do. You can use a park bench, low wall, ottoman, picnic table, sofa, or sturdy coffee table.

8. 15-minute Park Bench Full-body workout 

  1. Step-ups
  2. Tricep Dips with leg lift
  3. Step-up to knee-up
  4. Incline push-ups with leg lift
  5. Step-ups and kick back

9. 15-minute Full-body Park Bench Workout 

  1. Step-up to knee-up
  2. Incline mountain climbers
  3. Elevated lunges with an oblique twist, elbow to knee
  4. Incline oblique twists (knees to alternate elbow)
  5. Decline Push-ups

10. 15-minute Full-body, Park Bench Workout

  1. High knees Toe touch
  2. Lunge, step up, knee up
  3. Jumps with squat
  4. Wide leg dips
  5. One leg sidesteps each side

15-minute Circuit Workout Plans

This next group of 15-minute at-home workout plans are repetition-based circuits. You should be able to power through three rounds of each circuit. If you complete three before the 15 minutes are up, keep going!

11. 15-minute Abs workout

30-second plank

30 oblique side crunches, each side

20 scissor kicks

20 Mountain climbers

5 v-up sit-ups30-sec plank

10 vertical leg crunches

10 Russian twists

15 mountain climbers

10 scissors

30-sec plank

12. 15-minute Best Bootie Workout

20 sidestep (warm-up)

20 sidestep booty kicks

20 lunges each leg

20 4-count Jumping jacks

10 squats

25 high knees

20 curtsey lunges

10 laying side leg circles

20 sumo squats with donkey kicks (glute kickbacks)

20 calf raises (slow)

10 10-sec hold calf raises

20 side lunges

5 jump squats

20 side steps

20 side steps with high knees

20 sumo squats with sidekicks

13. 15-minute Hourglass Workout

25 Jumping jacks (warm-up)

20 crunches

15 squat jumps

10 side lunges

5 Bodybuilders

10 v-up sit-ups

15 triceps dips

20 incline push-ups

25 butt kickers

Thirteen 15-minute, at-home workouts should be enough to get you through the month. Also, check out some workout videos on-line too! If you try any of these out, be sure to let me know in the comments or on instagram @GlobelleKitchen